Herewith a list of costs for goods and services at various Countries and Islands to enable comparisons of Cruising and living costs.
Restaurant in Morro de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Most of the Restaurants in Bahia offer a "buffet per kg" and the prices varies from R$15 to R$40 per kg. One can find excellent value for R$20 per kilogram.
However the following dishes were ordered alacarte in a "on the beach" restaurant in Morro de Sao Paulo.
Chicken fillet with salad and chips or "Batata Frita" for R$ 20, USD 12, RSA 85
Mar Grande - Itaparica, Brazil - 4 April 2011 (Purchased from small street shops and stalls) - exchange rates of the day
1,95 kg Fillet Mignon @ R$ 45.73 US$ 28.84 S.A.R 198.11
2 x Frozen Chickens @ R$ 13.60 US$ 8.58 S.A.R 58.92
24 x Skol Brazilian Beer @ R$ 34.80 US$ 21.94 S.A.R 150.76
1 LT Vodka @ R$ 10.34 US$ 6.52 S.A.R 44.80
24 Eggs @ R$ 6.00 US$ 3.78 S.A.R 25.99
Bunch Spring Unions @ R$ 1.00 US$ 0.63 S.A.R 4.33
0,78 kg Mozarella Cheese @ R$10.95 US$ 6.91 S.A.R 47.43
1,2 kg Patoatoes @ R$ 2.85 US$ 1.79 S.A.R 12.34
0,735 kg Apples @ R$ 2.19 US$ 1.38 S.A.R 9.48
1.05 kg Papinos @ R$ 3.55 US$ 2.23 S.A.R 15.73
Tamato Paste @ R$ 3.85 US$ 2.42 S.A.R 16.67
Packet of Chicken Spices @ R$ 1.85 US$ 1.16 S.A.R 8.01
All Purpose Spice @ R$ 2.25 US$ 1.42 S.A.R 9.75
Itaparica, Brazil - 28 March 2011 (Purchased from small street shops and stalls) - exchange rates of the day
750 ml bottle Sagatiba Cachaca @ R$ 14 US$ 8.60 S.A.R 58.11
Bunch of Coriander @ R$ 1.0 US$ 0.61 S.A.R 4.15
2 x Pawpaw's @ R$ 4.21 US$ 2.58 S.A.R 17.46
6.1 kg Watermelon @ R$ 4.58 US$ 2.81 S.A.R 19.00
0.85 kg Limes @ R$ 1.08 US$ 0.66 S.A.R 4.48
2 x Whole Wheat Breads @ R$ 5.80 US$ 3.56 S.A.R 24.07
6 x Rolls @ R$ 1.20 US$ 0.73 S.A.R 4.98
0.75 kg Bananas @ R$ 1.66 US$ 1.02 S.A.R 6.98
2 x Peppers @ R$ 0.32 US$ 0.20 S.A.R 1.32
Pineapple @ R$ 2.70 US$ 1.65 S.A.R 11.21
Eggplant @ R$ 0.71 US$ 0.43 S.A.R 2.95
Packet of Brazilian Coffee @ R$ 2.70 US$ 1.65 S.A.R 11.21