Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Catlyn touched the sea.

She made it, and we made it! Our family followed this big truck overflown by this chunky catamaran. At an unbelievable speed of 60km p/h she was driven through the streets of Cape Town, billboards and stop streets passing by (thanks to the Traffic Dpt).

Our daughter, Janlie, waved like royalty to all the curious onlookers next to the road. Like royalty we felt!

A big crane was waiting for us, and in sweltering heat Catlyn was lifted off this truck, snugly lying between the blue straps holding her. What a breathless feeling it was when she was lifted and came eye-level to us hanging in the air....just to wait for the droplets of Moet Chandon on her hull...and then she was going her life giving force! Water!

Marco, our little one, just wanted to get onto her and start sailing, but this was the beginning of yet another process. He slipped the "good luck coin" into the mast just before it was lowered onto the deck and fastened. And then all of us and those around took the opportunity to get onto her for the engines to start, and a little stroll around the marine.

It felt so good!

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