Monday, January 3, 2011

Finally Luderitz.

With the wind still blowing somewhere else, and definitely not where all the clever weather predictors have said....we sailed into Luderitz at about nine o' clock the 22 of December with the last fading light of the day, and still an exciting crew! This will be our first foreign Port of call, and Joe hoisted the Q-flag. I am sure it stands for quarantine, because we are still illegal in a new country, until we did the Custom and Immigration thing the next morning.

The next morning we slept late for the first time, or actually we slept for the first time in days... and then we went to get the paper work done. This is where we met our new friend Fritz, a VIP at the Customs office and he came aboard to count my bottles of red wine... And then he stayed and we made a friend. He showed us the very windy Diaz Point and we shared our Christmas with him at The Nest hotel for a lovely buffet. We found out the secret temptations in his life....lots and lots of cookies.

On a wind still day he chauffeured us to Kolmanskop and we walked among ghosts for a while....standing amazed at their ability to live a luxurious life, even with a ten pin bowling alley in a very brutal environment.

We made the most of our short visit, and Janlie took the opportunity to braid her hair for X-mas. When we sailed out of Luderitz on the 27th of December, we were leaving the most beautiful Lutheran church behind us, with the forecast of great Southerly winds ahead of us!!

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