Saturday, March 2, 2013

Back to work!

Nick and Sandy said good bye, and it was time for us to say good bye to the comfort of Margarteha`s apartment, and her lovely smile! But luckily we only moved slightly up the road, to the yacht on the hard…and the very next day she popped in for a girly chat and Brett`s Margaritas!

The yacht was waiting on the hard for us! Luckily I cleaned her before Brett and Teresa came, so there were no surprises! The air conditioning  helped to ban the mould. The vinegar bowls all over the boat helped. The washed down interior with diluted vinegar helped! No mould was to be seen!

I wiped all the stainless steel and anything silver with boat polish (3GM bottle) and when I wiped the taps  they were all bright and silver! I only found a couple of little spiders, and you won`t believeit, ANTS! Did they follow me from Panama! Karma! I am telling you, it is Karma…

But lots of work had to be done!  On our nameless yacht at this stage, all of us worked hard. Brett found little and big places to squeeze in. Teresa made time to study a bit of the sailing manuals, and was the best student on her knots!


Of course the first lesson of yachting is! Do not forget this one! Everything is about 80% social work, and 20% physical work, and don`t try to throw your yachting life off balance! And strictly obeying that rule, we enjoyed our first barbeque on the yacht with Brett and Teresa.

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