The itchiness started getting serious, and we started checking the oil, fetching fresh water from the spring behind Itaparica Marina Offices, and fresh fruit and a big watermelon. I am so spoilt with eating all this fresh fruit, when I know it is nearing winter in S.A. soon. Johan's promise two years ago, that I will not spend another cold winter anywhere, at last came true! Although it is Brazil's winter, it is still humid and hot, only raining a lot. At night it is so hot, that we love carrying our matresses out onto the fore deck, and the four of us, sleep under the stars, only with a sheet to cover us.
We lifted anchor at Itaparica and with a smooth sea and a lovely wind, we sailed into the mouth of the big river, Paraguacu. The strong tide going into the river was pushing us forward. We realised how important it is to take the tide into consideration when sailing the rivers. It was perfect timing! Just after entering the mouth of the river we found the perfect place to anchor, about 30m from the beach, at a depth of 20m. The boys couldn't wait to explore the new island. With the soccer ball in hand they took the dinghy ashore. We could hear them shriek with laughter, but too soon real "steekvliee" chased them into the dinghy and into the water!
But now it is almost raining every night, so we sleep in our cabins, then with the hatches open for a slight breeze, and then still very sleepy, grabbing for them to close it against the rain pouring in. It is as if a whole big bucket of water is poured over Catlyn, and then about ten minutes later not a single drop, and then an hour later that big bucket again! During the day, the same rythm continue. The only difference is me, hanging washing out, rushing them down, hanging washing out...
Ps. Happy born day, Charles. We are drinking a Caparinha on you! Happy birthday to Heinrich and Marline too!
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