Monday, April 18, 2011

Saturday Market @ Marogojipe.

We woke up early morning to move Catlyn to slightly deeper water,  and found a safe spot at about 4m.  The white egrets were feasting among the mangroves. We were all excited to check out this Market.  We could hardly keep up with Johan on our way to the market.  With every shopping bag coming from the direction of the market he got more and more anxious...and when the wheel barrows loaded with stuff came passed,  he changed into a light stroll!
I think we stood around in the area, the Market,  for about ten minutes,  and then we walked around, still slightly disorientated among the hundreds of people behind their tables loaded with fruit, vegetables, spices, chillies,  everything they can produce and sell to the local people from all over. It was so overwhelming, not being among a lot of people for almost four months.  All the sounds and smells were intensified. We were the only four Gringoes in sight,  but it was as if no one even noticed us.  After a while Marco was having a tummy ache,  and I was too happy to find two yellow chairs for us to get out of the hustle. While sitting there, we saw a little boy taking a sneaky hand full of dried prawns from a table.  Carefully he stuffed the front of his blue t-shirt and with a hollow back he walked away...
Johan and Joe had a great time,  tasting, touching and bargaining for the stuff they were buying and our black shopping bags and rug sack were loaded.  We knew that it is going to be a long heavy road all the way to the jetty. But this time we were lucky! We paid five reals for a wheel barrow with a pair of young legs to push our load all the way to our dinghy.

The afternoon we lifted anchor and sailed to Ilha dos Coelhos. Two dolphins were playing shyly in the water.  We could see a prominent white stripe over their backs.  Again during the night we were showered when the heavens opened,  even harder than before,  and Johan ran around with the buckets trying to catch every drop for our water tanks.  I stayed in bed,  trying to figure out how I am going to make a rain catcher.  I need to get the precious fresh water running from the roof top straight into Catlyn's water tanks,  and my man in my bed!

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