Thursday, February 7, 2013

Leaving behind Las Tablas and Santo Domingo!

We had a table full of friends to say goodbye to! True to being South-African we did it with a table full of our good food!  It was a delight seeing the people enjoying the new tastes and flavors.

The kid from across the street, Cesar, gave me a memory, I want to share with you. 
Marco and Cesar
He dished up, and was enjoying his meal, and I was keeping an eye on every one`s plate to make sure they have enough. Cesar sat back with a big piece of the famous Maize dish on his plate. When I wondered whether he was ok, with my Spanish lexicon, he told his aunt softly, that he was saving this for his ‘abuela’! (grandmother).  My heart nearly broke, and I filled up a big container with a lot of food, which he took to the family immediately!
We said our goodbyes to the neighborhood, and Diovellis dropped us at the bus terminal to Panama!


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