Friday, October 5, 2012

Banos, Ecuador.

I told you we were still on the roll! After the shiva, we walked to an old bridge, crossing the wide river. The days` excitement took its toll, and we enjoyed the soft of the green grass, and the sound of the river below!

We sat underneath the bridge waiting for the crazy people to bridge jump! We had enough excitement for the day, and Johan couldn`t, hmmm, he said, because he didn`t wear his contact lenses and he was scared to drop his glasses! Our sons, Jaco and Joe has done it in South-Africa, and Louis, our eldest son has done it a couple of times! Crazy!

We enjoyed the rest of the hike, the horses along the way, and Marco practised with the backpack, for his Appalachian trail one day!

We ended a wonderful day, and I received a truck load of roses!

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