Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cusco, Peru.

We slept like babies, had a breakfast of a pita and jam and butter, and one scrambled egg, with juice, tea or coffee. No bacon and oily eggs for our cholestrol over here! After the previous day on the bus for a long time, and after still not feeling so great adapting to the altitude, we decided to take it slow. I made sure of drinking Mate de Coca, their herbal tea from coca leaves, about three cups, and it wasn`t long before I was up and running! It defnitely worked! It was green and I didn`t smoke it, and it was amazing!

When I saw the man with his florist shop on his back, I was even better! It brightened up this really mud built town for me!

There are lots of cathedrals, and we went to some, sometimes just for a peek, because by now I felt as holy as I can get. The markets was nice, I enjoyed seeing some new stuff, but still a lot of things coming from Ecuador.

A very interesting Peruvian Market was the San Pedro Market.

We sat down for a juice at the many juice shops in a row. Local food were also served. I made it through the lovely cheeses, and the veggies and the flowers.

I loved smelling the colorful bags of spices.

But I barely made it through the meat market. I tried to take a photo of the skinned guinea-pigs for you, but by this time my camera was shaking, and I needed my other hand to shut my nose very, very quickly! After a while I did found grilled guinea-pigs for you.... don`t miss the potatoes on the right!

The next day we still took it slow, because we were still slightly out of breath in this thin air, and we knew that we were on our way to a 5 day trek to Machu Pichu.We enjoyed the lively square,  very touristy with all the restaurants, take aways and massages for only a bit of money, and all the tourists walking by. We went for an Inca Massage for only 25s, and it was delightfully good with the hot stones on my back. Afterwards while sitting on the bench at the square, I realised that we were taking photos of the local people in their traditional wear, but among them were the most interesting tourists,  even more interesting...

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