Thursday, January 24, 2013

Santo Domingo

My neighbor was asking about Janlie, and every time my eyes filled with tears, and she decided to get me out of the house. I got into her car, and Joe joined, not wanting  to miss out.  We went to visit her family, and maybe she thought that will make me feel better, but it didn`t. I missed mine even more, while sitting with her people under a tree.

 She battled down the tamarind from the big tree, filling a bag for us to make a sauce.  We actually did make a sauce, and it was delicious.

Joe tasted the little ‘manzanitas’ (apples), as we chased the geese away.

We walked over to more family, and sat down under the tree, on big stumps, eating and drinking coconut juice, while the man chopped open more and more for us with his sharp machete. 

Diavellis sipped on hers in the hammock, while I sat with the women making the tipico lace work again.

Our next visit was the old people, abuelas(grandparents) , at the little blue house, and we spend some time just being with them, sharing their lives and their time…

And later I met this old women, and when I came into her house, she started smiling at me, and she took my hands in her soft wrinkly hands, and she kissed them, over and over. She asked for a chair to be placed right next to hers, and she pulled me next to her, and as I sat next to this old women, she kissed my hands, over and over, and hugged me closer, with her head on my shoulder….  It was there, something, and eventually when I left her side, I wondered….’Have we met before? Have we shared a life? Have we….?”


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