Friday, May 25, 2012

Sailing to St. Martinique!

Still not wide awake, at 05h00 with just the light of the day over the water, we left the bay, looking at the yacht we saw last night, fast asleep as if nothing happened.  Everything started off peacefully, with the wind fluky but steady. As soon as we left the shadow of the land, a steel grey squall was awaiting us. We reefed the main and genoa in wait,  then the wind at 46 knots hit us. While further reefing the genoa the rain slammed down on me and Joe, and I couldn`t open my eyes with the raindrops slamming painfully into my eyes and over my body! The waves crashed over Catlyn, but this girl of ours steadily stood by her women hood, stood her ground or rather her seas. Thank you for our solid yacht!

The wind subsided to an average of 20 -25 knots as we sailed towards the island in the white mist of some more rain. It is still the dry season, believe it or not! The swells were big on our beam, but we reached the bay of St Pierre in good time.

Remember I told you about the little town who was hit by the Volcano, Mt. Pelee in 1902? We are back and I can`t wait to walk through this little French town, picking up the energy of a lot of people who died in the anger of the volcano…
St Pierre

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