Saturday, February 12, 2011

10th of February

We are nearing our first foreign island! For the last 40nm it is visible on the horizon. A big cargo ship passed us, calling us on the radio, "Princess" on her way to Cape Town. We only sailed the genoa to slow us down, because none of us wanted to reach a new anchorage in the dark.

While sailing this morning, we spotted fish swimming with us. Immediately everyone saw food, and they tried to catch them with the lures. They threw the lures like cowboys in front of the poor fish, but luckily they couldn't be fooled.

And then the big black shadow of a fish started following us. In the swells behind us a Marlin was surfing the waves, and curiously checking the lures. Dad tried his best to get the massive fish, to grab our lures but for more than an hour he followed us, entertaining a family!

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