Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our bananas changed over two weeks from the most delicious golden bananas, to the spotted Dalmations, begging us to still eat them, and then to the Rotweillers growling at us, until Johan used the very last one for banana muffins and bread. We still have plenty to eat and to drink aboard. The water maker is constantly giving us a can of 20l full of drinking water. We only have one egg left, and the onions are running low. The 2 lemon squash are slightly turning yellow, so we have to cook them soon. The couple of potatoes are growing eyelets in the dark locker. I am peeling the apples now, because their skins are slightly discoloring, and the boys will definitely not eat them like that. We can’t wait for fresh fruit and vegetables, and we try to make up with the chick peas, beans and the odd can of peas. Yesterday Johan discovered a bottle of gherkins and we cooled it in the fridge. It was a total explosion of fresh green juice in our mouths!
Living aboard is good, but we all missing a couple of things. Of course Marco misses the easy access to technology, and the other day he said he misses just lying in front of the TV on a couch. I miss a bed that is not moving. I miss sleeping through a night. I miss standing in a shower with the water running over me… I miss lying in my warm bath with my book and a glass of wine and candles… I miss the smell of the ground after the rain… And I miss silence… nothing in my ears…
Joe loves every minute of this experience; he thinks we had it actually too easy. We had too much and too leka food and he thought it would be good if he could push his limits more. He loves being too tired, and not sleeping much and he loves only showering every third day. He doesn’t miss technology, because it is not part of this experience. The only something that he thinks he misses is a companion, a girl to share it all…
Johan would only like to sleep, peacefully and uninterrupted…

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